Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pinterest makes life easier :D

So I know most of you out there have a pinterest account, and if you don't, you're just plain crazy. It makes life soooo much easier...If  you don't just go on a pinning spree, and actually do some of the stuff. I recently found this pin on there. I mean the title said "Cut your grocery bill in half", and who doesn't want to do that right? So I clicked on it and looked at it and it had some AMAZING ideas....all about going homemade! Randall and I have been making our own bread for a while, since my mom gave us a bread machine(tastes way better) But anyways, I read on in this blog, and it had so much more about going homemade & had a lot of tips on grocery shopping. Go once a month, and you make your meals at home, so you cut out the cost of going out to eat (we are worlds worst at doing that) But anyways, what you do is pull out different recipes that you have collected from Pinterest, cookbooks, and such (I use a lot of my papa's and my moms too!) But anyways, you take inventory of what you already have in your house, and then you write down what you need from the grocery store, and you plan out for one month of meals...so you are only having to go to the store one time a month...who would've thought. In plus, you can use a web site like www.couponmom.com to see if any of the items you need have a coupon for them...On nights you don't feel like cooking (we all have those nights) You can have sandwich nights, or, breakfast for supper...(who doesn't love breakfast for supper?) Any who, I've added the link to this blog...it has so many ideas....http://www.blissfulanddomestic.com/2012/03/31-days-to-yumminess-grocery-shopping.html?showComment=1342681248761

Follow me on Pinterest
Now, I shall go finish cleaning, and go ahead and get started on dinner :D

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