Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Old Fashioned mom & house wife!

That's right, you read the title right! I've had the worst mindset about the place that I live in! But today I will stop! I will be more like the women in the old days! I will make this little place we have a home for my husband, my baby, and myself. I will make this place a place that I will enjoy coming home to! I will strive to be the best wife and mom that I know that I'm called to be! I will strive to be that Proverbs 31 woman! I know that it won't be easy making all of these changes, but I'm determined! My pledges are as follows
- I will keep the dishes cleaned. 
- I will keep the kitchen cleaned. 
- I will catch up on all of my laundry. 
- I will keep the floors swept and mopped. 
- We will eat at home more! 
- I will take more pride in how I look& feel about myself. 
- I will wake up early! 
- I will do what it takes to to keep my baby and husband happy!