Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Where has the true meaning of Christmas gone?

As I sit here and watch all of the Christmas movies and different store commercials on TV, and as I visit department store after department store, it makes me wonder where has the true meaning of Christmas gone. Much like there was no room for Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem, today it seems like there is no room for Jesus on his OWN birthday. Imagine if every one were in a hustle and bustle around your birthday and pushed you out on your own birthday. How would you feel? Jesus didn't have to agree to be born for us, and he most also didn't have to die for us. He came and was born just to die for us! And we are all guilty of leaving him out on his own birthday. Parents, as you rush around this year, remember to take the time out to read the REAL Christmas story, out of the Bible. Instill in your kids what Christmas is all about! I know this isn't a Christmas song, but I want to post it on here anyways. The song is called Had it Not Been! Had Jesus not been born, where would we be? Had he not agreed, because he looked down the streams of time and seen a world that would leave him out on his own birthday....Think about it!