Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Okay, so these past few weeks, I've seen more and more people on facebook talking about how bad their lives are, and how bad that they have it. We all have problems, and we all face trials. Have you ever stopped to think that there is someone out there who has it worse than you? There is always a person that has been through way more than you. We can all sit here and talk about how bad off we had it as a kid, and how it's shaped us today. I had a pretty bad childhood, and my mom supported two kids by herself for many years by herself. Before she met my stepdad, she had no help. She worked and went to school. She earned her BA in criminal justice. I know that she struggled through it, but she did it to better herself, and her family. It is possible to be independent and even more so, it's easier to get along way better if you have God on your side. I mean truly have him on your side. Not just say oh I believe in God, but yet while out of the other side of your mouth you're cussing up a storm and not being Godly at all. The Bible says that you'll know the tree by the fruit it bears. Lord, I hope my tree is bearing ripe fruit and not rotten fruit.

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