Monday, April 23, 2012

Acquire the "Fire"??

This weekend I went with a group of young people to Acquire the Fire. It was an experience! There were some great things, and some not so great things.

The drama was amazing. They did it in three parts, and it seemed to follow my life when I was younger, and it followed the life of many, many teenagers today. The girl used to be an "agent" in a service when she was younger for God. She prayed and everything despite all that had happened to her in her past. But then she let being normal get to her and she formed herself to fit into the in crowd. To cut the story short, she ended up saving her life by stopping what she was doing. It was a great drama. One of the speakers, I loved, Joel Johnson. He was amazing. I can't say enough about him. Here's his website,, Go check him out for yourself... And the last thing that I really loved about ATF was Tenth Avenue North. They were the most real artist there. The lead singer finally told the young people that were there, "It doesn't matter how much you jump around a scream in here, and how much you claim to be a christian in here. What matters is how you are when you step outside of these doors. Are you living like you're supposed to everyday?" Then they proceeded to sing "You Are More." AMAZING.

The cons of ATF was all of the other performers. None of them were real....I mean on group got up and sang about a cell phone? And we wonder what has happened to our generation. It's time we stop trying to entertain young people, and it's time that we start teaching them that what they put into their bodies eventually comes out. It's time that we teach them that Hell is a real place, that many young people are busting wide open today, as I type, because they choose not to believe what people are telling them. And it's our fault for not trying to reach them. We don't tell the truth any more.

Acts 2:40 And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation.

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